Amarnath MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English
একাদশ শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য WBNOTES.IN ওয়েবসাইটের পক্ষ থেকে Amarnath MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English প্রদান করা হলো। শিক্ষার্থীরা এই MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তরগুলি তৈরি করে তোমাদের Class Eleven English First Semester পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করতে পারবে।
Amarnath MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English :
1) ‘Amarnath’ is written by – Sister Nivedita
2) The real name of Sister Nivedita is – Margaret Nobel
3) Sister Nivedita was born in – Ireland
4) Sister Nivedita was the disciple of – Swami Vivekananda
5) The given text is taken from the book – The Master as I saw Him
6) ‘Amarnath’ is a part of a – biography
7) ‘Amarnath’ is a type of a – travelogue
8) The term ‘open air meal’ means – outdoor dining
9) Swami announced his desire to go to – Amarnath
10) the group of pilgrims was – small
11) they saw the march of gathering hosts in – Islamabad
12) The campers left before – dawn
13) The campers opened shops at – every halting place
14) The campers left behind only – ashes of their cooking fires
15) Whose neighbourhood tended to form a social centre – The Tehsildar’s
16) The word ‘Gerrua’ means – orange
17) The gerrua tents belonged to – the monks
18) The size of the Gerrua tents was compared to – an umbrella
19) The monks swarmed about the Swamiji at every – halting place
20) The monks talked about – Shiva
21) The word ‘urged’ is used to mean – insisted
22) the word ‘Swadesh’ in the text means – native countrymen
23) The ‘other-worldliness’ made ‘Swadesh and Bidesh’ – indistinguishable
24) The soil of the Pujjab had been drenched with – blood
25) People have died in Punjab for – their faith
26) Here ‘the brethren’ are – the Muslims
27) The Tehsildar was a – Muslim
28) The shrine is situated in a – cave
29) The Tehsildar with a group of friends came to the Swami – to beg for formal acceptance as his disciples
30) After leaving Islamabad the natator and the pilgrims camped at – Pawan
31) The group camped at Pawan for – a night
32) Pawan is famous for – holy springs
33) The water og the tank is described as ‘black’ because – the water seemed dark as it was evening
34) From Pawan, the narator went to – Pahlgam
35) ‘Pahlgam’ is known as – the village of shepherds
36) The camp halted at Pahlgam to – keep Ekadasi
37) ‘Ekadasi’ is observed by – fasting
38) At sun set the moon over the mountain was – not quite full
39) The narrator saw a farm-house with its – ploughed fields
40) The word ‘knoll’ means – small hill
41) The final march began from – Pahlgam
42) On the second day a great camp-fire was made of – juniper
43) The goat-paths were of – steep descension
44) The niche never received – sunlight
45) The Swami bathed in ice-cold waters of – five streams
46) It seemed to the Swami that – Shiva was made visible in front of him
47) The Swami knelt and prostrated – unnoticed
48) The gift of ‘Amar’ was given to Swamiji by – Shiva
49) The pilgrimage culminated on the day of – Rakhibandhan
50) In the mountain cave, Swamiji came face to face – Lord Shiva