The Swami and Mother Worship MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English

একাদশ শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য WBNOTES.IN ওয়েবসাইটের পক্ষ থেকে The Swami and Mother Worship MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English প্রদান করা হলো। শিক্ষার্থীরা এই MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তরগুলি তৈরি করে তোমাদের Class Eleven English First Semester পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করতে পারবে। 

The Swami and Mother Worship MCQ Question Answers : 


1) The real name of Sister Nivedita was – Margaret Elizabeth Nobel

2) By birth sister Nivedita was an – Irish

3) Sister Nivedita name was given by – Swami Vivekananda

4) Nivedita met Swamiji for the first time in – 1895

5) When did Sister Nivedita die – 13th October, 1911

6) Nivedita passed away at the age of – 43 years

7) From which the text is taken – The Master as I Saw Him

8) Swamiji was called a Brahma-jnani by – Sri Ramakrishna

9) What was the only imperative for Swamiji – Realisation of Brahman

10) Who is deeply familiar of the household life – disciples of Swamiji

11) To the mother, Swamiji would sometimes be – naughty & rebellious

12) “Her curse is blessing”- Goddess Kali

13) The word ‘Mother’ in the text refers to – Goddess Kali

14) What is the colour of the knife of Kali, as mentioned in the text – blood red

15) Swamiji insisted that he worshipped the – terrible

16) Who came to Swami Vivekananda with difficulties about animal sacrifice in the temple – the author

17) Swamiji referred to the worship of Kali by the conventional worshippers as merely – shop-keeping

18) In her past Sister Nivedita had been an – educationist

19) Nivedita set herself to enter into – the worship of Kali

20) Who is reffered to as ‘MAster’ in the text – Swami Vivekananda

21) Who called Kali the ‘Vision of Shiva’ – Sister Nivedita

22) According to Nivedita, one must speak to man in his own – language

23) The only person who advocated that one must speak to all men in their own language was – Ramkrishna Paramahamsa

24) Swamiji made a shy reference to – Colonel Hay’s ‘Guardian Angels’

25) By referring to ‘Guardian Angles’ Swamiji reinstated his belief in – Brahman and the Gods

26) Following up his train of thought, Swamiji deopped into a mood of – half-soliloquy

27) How many years did it take for Swamiji to fight against himself to finally come to an acceptance of kali – Six

28) “his greatness had not dawned on me then” Who is referred to as ‘he’ – Sri Ramkrishna

29) How long did Sri Ramakrishna live after introducing Swamiji to Goddess Kali – Only two years

30) “And he passed over all his own family” Who is referred to as ‘he’ – Guru Nanak

31) To whom Guru Nanak transfer his power before passing away – a boy

32) Swamiji called the Brahman as the – One

33) The word ‘bhaktas’ means – the devotees

34) The chief disciple of Ramakrishna was – Swamiji

35) Swamiji explained the image of Kali as the book of – experience

36) “Each man will know at the hour of death, that all his life was but as a dream” this is part of an ancient – wisdom

37) In the end Swamiji would be wrappes away into – the Supreme Revelation

38) Nivedita realised that religions were only – languages

39) ‘Noren’ was the other name of – Swamiji

40) Who dedicated Swamiji to Goddess Kali – Sri Ramakrishna

41) In India the word ______ was forever on Swamiji’s lips. – Mother

42) “I set myself therefore to enter into Kali worship” Here “I” refers to – Sister Nivedita

43) Swamiji equated unity in _________ with the Brahman. – complexity

44) ‘Guardian Angles’ is a poem by ________ . – Colonel Hay

45) Swamiji wanted to worship the ________ for its own sake. – terror


The Swami and Mother Worship MCQ Question Answers

একাদশ শ্রেণির প্রথম সেমিস্টার ইংরাজি বিষয়ের MCQ প্রশ্নের উত্তর পড়তে এবং MCQ MOCK TEST প্রদান করতে নিম্নের ছবিতে ক্লিক/টাচ করতে হবে 


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