2. People were attracted to the astrologer like -
3. How did Guru Nayak react upon hearing about his murder's death?
4. 'Leave me today' - The speaker was -
5. The Astrologer had a bundle of written notes on -
7. When did the astrologer reach home?
8. The word 'shrewd' means -
9. The astrologer had a ______ piece of cloth.
10. The Astrologer was punctual in -
11. The place where the various sellers used to sit was lit up by the -
12. A rupee is equal to ________ .
13. 'You look so careworn' - the speaker is -
14. Guru Nayak lit up a -
15. 'An Astrologer's Day' is written by -
16. ________ is a great deal to a villager.
17. What feeling did the astrologer express at the end of the story?
18. RK Narayan was born in -
19. The astrologer was always search for __________ .
20. 'An Astrologer's Day' is a -