Composed Upon Westminister Bridge MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English
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Composed Upon Westminister Bridge MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English :
1) ‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’ is written by – William Wordsworth
2) ‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’ was composed on – September 3, 1802
3) ‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’ was written while poet was going to – France
4) ‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’ is a – sonnet
5) ‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’ is written in – iambic pentameter
6) In the poem, the poet views the city – in the morning
7) The poet sees London as – part of Nature
8) “earth has not anything to show more fair’ than – London
9) The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is – dull
10) In the poem, London view is – clear
11) Early morning the air of London is – smokeless
12) “Dull would he be of soul” here ‘dull’ means – insensitive
13) The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as – majestic
14) The city wears the beauty of the morning like – a garment
15) The London city in the poem wears the garment of – sunny morning
16) The beauty of the morning is – bare
17) The towers, domes, theatres and temples appear bright and – glittering
18) Everything looks ‘bright and glittering’ because – smokeless air
19) According to Wordsworth, the sun steeped – valley, rock or hill
20) The calm of the morning at Westminister Bridge is – deep
21) The poet is particularly impressed by the – calm and quiet atmosphere
22) The poet personifies the river Thames as – a man
23) The river Thames flows – smoothly
24) What does the river do at its own sweet will – Glides
25) How does the poet refer to the sun and the river – As elements of Nature
26) The house of the city of London appear to the poet as – asleep
27) What is the object of the poet’s celebration – London
28) The mood of the poem is – tranquil
29) The ‘mighty heart’ is compared to that of the – city
30) The poet enhances London by using – superlatives