As You Like it MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English
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As You Like it MCQ Question Answers । Class Eleven First Semester English :
1) The lawful duke was the elder brother of – The usurper
2) The name of the usurper was – Frederick
3) The banished duke’s daughter was – Ganymede
4) Celia was the daughter of – Frederick
5) Rosalind gave Orlando a – gold chain
6) Orlando was the son of – Sir Rowland de Boys
7) Before setting out for the Forest of Arden Rosalind wore the dress of a young – countryman
8) Celia was dressed as a – country lass
9) The love sonnets that Ganymede and to Aleena found fastened to the tree were all addressed to – Rosalind
10) The man whom Orlando saw lying asleep on the ground with a snake round his neck was – Oliver
11) Aleena fell in love with – Oliver
12) Adam gave Orlando his life’s saving of – five hundred crowns
13) Orlando did not touch a morsel of food – until Adam was fed
14) Adam was an old servant of – Sir Rowland de Boys
15) Orlando with his drawn sword attacked the old duke to – grab food
16) Oliver hated – Orlando
17) When duke Frederick banished Rosalind from the court palace, Celia decided to – accompany her sister
18) In the forest Rosalind introduced herself as – Aliena’s brother
19) Ganymede and Aliena fancied themselves as – the shepherd and shepherdess
20) Oliver did not look after – Orlando
21) In the wrestling match Orlando – was defeated
22) The banished duke found books in – trees
23) The old duke enjoyed the forest life – with a hermit
24) The wrestling match between Orlando and Wrestler was – an uneven match
25) The old duke took shelter in – the Forest of Arden
26) The old duke was ousted by – his own brother
27) At the end of the story, the old duke – got back his dukedom
28) Sir Rowland de Boys was a friend of – the old duke
29) Duke Frederick underwent a reformation when – he met a hermit in the forest
30) The old duke, in his banishment, drew lesson from – nature
31) Rosalind went to the Forest of Arden in disguise of – Ganymede the rustic
32) Once upon a time France was divided into – dukedoms
33) The banished duke found tongues in – the trees
34) Oliver plot to burn Orlando was overhead by – Adam
35) Rosalind felt pity for Orlando for his – friendless condition
36) Rosalind and Celia left for the Forest of Arden – on foot
37) Oliver won the heart of Aliena by his – way of expressing repentance for his of- fence
38) The lioness was waiting to attack – Oliver
39) The lioness was slain by – Orlando
40) Orlando threatened the old duke for having – some food
41) Initially Oliver proved to be – untrust worthy brother
42) Frederick was actually a/an – usurper
43) Orlando used to visit Ganymede to – to court him assuming his Rosalind
44) The double marriage was celebrated in the forest with – without pomp and splendour
45) Duke Frederick realised his mistake and – restored the dukedom to the old duke
46) On trees Orlando carved the name of – Rosalind
47) The evil intention of Duke Frederick was converted by – a hermit
48) Orlando set out for the forest of Arden accompanied by – Adam